
“DREAMS” – by: J. Scott Davis, President/RV Toy Store

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Original Piano Solos, by J. Scott Davis, Founder of RV Toy Store, featuring hit solo “Best Friends”.

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Thank you for your interest in my music. I have been playing the piano since age 4. I play by ear (and inspiration), and have learned to compose and perform without professional training. While recording my “Dreams” CD, I’ve come to realize that “this is who I am”, and “this is what I’ve always wanted to do”.

The first 6 songs on my “Dreams” CD are my own original compositions. I wrote them over a decade ago. In 2007, I recorded a CD at my home to share with my family and friends. I’ve always dreamed of recording a professional CD. Each time I gave away one of my original homemade CD’s, I wrote the words, “Never let go of your dreams” on it. The fact of the matter is, though, that I almost let go of my own dream of professionally recording my “Dreams” CD!

In 2016 (9 years after making my home recording) I happened to meet Ron Pane (who is now my producer), in the desert where I live. Ron showed an interest in my music and introduced me to The Village Recording Studio. This led to the professional recording of my “Dreams” CD.

It is with great pleasure that I present to you, DREAMS.
